Ian Heydon - Creative Writing, Fiction And Non-Fiction Author Of Childrens And Adults Books, Travel Guides And Travel Web Sites

Wedding Speeches

I have another website called Wedding Writer

Following diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis in 2010, it soon became apparent that I would be unable to do simple things that I once took in my stride – like mowing lawns and cleaning out gutters. The simple solution would have been to downsize and move into some sort of retirement unit. Problem was, we like our home and the acre of garden around it. Solution was, spend a few hours a month scribbling and use the income from that to pay for someone to drop by and look after the lawns, the garden and the gutters.

It’s worked a treat for over a decade. I don’t write many speeches. One or two a month is just fine.  For the Groom… for the Best Man… for the Father-of-the-Bride or Mother-of-the-Bride… for the Bride… for the Bridesmaid… Done them all. I tailor each speech to suit the person giving it. I take their direction and give it shape, structure and words that will be engaging, sincere, funny and memorable…

I compare what I do to a professional hairdresser for the bride. It is her own hair but with a professional style and polish.

My usual fee is $220 including GST. Damn! Now you have an idea as to how much I pay my gardener!


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