MSing About YouTube
2023 saw my MSing About YouTube channel launch. There were short videos every Monday to Friday. Just click the title for a teaser.
Mondays, I looked at the so-called Good Old Days of the 50s, 60’s and 70’s…
Tuesday, it was Slide Night – tales from my overseas travels…
Wednesday was Brush with Fame – anecdotes about actors, musicians, sportspeople and politicians I have worked with or bumped into…
Thursday called Got a Minute? It is a minute on whatever took my fancy… a muse or a rant about any old thing. Could be rugby, racism, royalty, rainbows, recycling or just rubbish…
Friday was My Australia… I’ve travelled a lot across our wide, brown land for holidays, business and to research my travel book, The Small Guide to a Big Country…
There were also weekend videos like the three 9-minute ones that have a quirky look at my particular flavour of MS and MS in general.
Here is a link to the first one.
Following that series was another weekend series called Katch Up with Kat for some banter between my podcast sidekick, Katrina Christensen and me.
All the videos to date are all housed in the Blogs section on my other website, as are the weekly podcasts – the website is simply called MSing About!